Pro Photo Courses & Workshops

Attend a group workshop?

Workshops are group courses, in small numbers, to improve
in small numbers, in order to improve on a subject.

The themes are varied, depending on the season of the year. Previous workshops have been :

– Successful sunset photos
– Become a master of reflection photos
– Successful photos of Christmas lights
– Getting started in portraiture

– Successful travel and landscape photography

Next date – to come

Take individual photography lessons?

Do you want to improve your skills on a specific subject? The lessons can be adapted according to the material of the person, and can also be carried out on a mobile phone. The exact location will be defined with the person receiving the course.

2h lesson – 100€
3 hours of lessons – 140€.
4 hours of classes – 170€.

All packages include preparation and follow-up after the course, as well as access to a private Facebook group.

For any reservation or information, please contact me by e-mail or via the contact form.

And for professionals?

Individual courses are also available for professionals.

A group workshop for professionals will be announced soon.

Gift voucher for photo courses

Do you want to offer or treat yourself to a photo course?

For any reservation or information, please contact me by e-mail or via the contact form.

Have you already chosen the course you want to offer? You can use the payment form available here.